What Attributes to Differences in Predicted Vo2 Max Vs Measured

Artículos de Investigación

Rafel Chieza Fortes García

Brazilian Army Research Institute of Physical Fitness, Brasil

Rafael Melo de Oliveira

Brazilian Army Enquiry Institute of Physical Fitness, Brasil

Eduardo Camillo Martinez

Brazilian Army Research Constitute of Concrete Fitness, Brasil

Eduardo Borba Neves

Brazilian Army Research Plant of Concrete Fettle, Brasil

VO 2 Estimation equation accuracy to young adults

Archivos de Medicina (Col) , vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 33-39, 2020

Universidad de Manizales

Received: 14 September 2019

Corrected: eleven December 2019

Accustomed: 14 Dec 2019

Abstract: Objective: clarify the agreement of the V̇O2max values estimated by American College of Sports Medicine‎ and Foster equations with direct measure gas clarify in young Brazilian males. The maximal oxygen uptake, as a health indicator and mortality predictor, can be assessed in unlike ways. The gilt standard comprises the direct measurement of exhaled gases, which entails high cost. A more conveniently class can be estimation equations. Materials and methods: this report assessed VO2max of 41 young Brazilian males (21.4 ±ii.2 years) by cardiopulmonary exercise test in a treadmill ergometer with a ramp protocol. Bland and Altman analysis was performed to verify the agreement between V̇O2max measured and estimated values by ACSM and Foster equations. Results: the measured VO2max was 52.3 ± 4.nine ml.kg-1.min-one. The deviation between the measured V̇O2max and the estimated V̇O2max by the ACSM equation (ix.forty±3.67) was approximately vii.5 times greater than the deviation between the measured V̇O2max and estimated V̇O2max by Foster'due south equation (1.25±3.46). Bland Altman graphics shows that only ACSM equation had mean differences that were significantly different from the measured value. Conclusions: the ACSM equation showed not appropriate for during treadmill stress testing immature adults in a ramp protocol and Foster equation seems to exist a more accurate calculator of V̇O2max for this population, besides showed a bias along the aerobic capacity, trending to overestimates and underestimates V̇O2max of least and most fit people, respectively.

Keywords: oxygen consumption, practice, physical exertion, ergometry, exercise exam.

Resumen: Objetivo: analizar la concordancia de los valores de VO2max estimados por las ecuaciones del Colegio Americano de Medicina del Deporte y de Foster con el análisis de gases de medida directa en varones brasileños jóvenes. el consumo máximo de oxigeno, como un indicador de salud y predictor de mortalidad, se puede evaluar de diferentes maneras. El estándar de oro comprende la medición directa de los gases exhalados, lo que implica un alto costo. Una forma más conveniente puede ser las ecuaciones de estimación. Materiales y métodos: este estudio evaluó el VO2máx de 41 hombres brasileños jóvenes (21,4 ± 2,ii años) mediante una prueba de ejercicio cardiopulmonar en un ergómetro en cinta ergométrica con un protocolo de rampa. El análisis de Bland y Altman se realizó para verificar la concordancia entre V̇O2max medido y valores estimados por las ecuaciones del ACSM y de Foster. Resultados: el VO2max medido fue de 52,3 ± 4,9 ml.kg-i.min-1. La diferencia entre el V̇O2max medido y el VO2max estimado por la ecuación ACSM (9,twoscore ± 3,67) fue aproximadamente 7.5 veces mayor que la diferencia entre el VO2max medido y el VO2max estimado por la ecuación de Foster (ane,25 ± 3,46). Los gráficos de Bland Altman muestran que solo la ecuación de ACSM tenía diferencias estadísticas del valor medido. Conclusiones: la ecuación ACSM no fue adecuada durante la prueba de ejercicio en cinta de correr en adultos jóvenes en un protocolo de rampa y la ecuación de Foster parece ser un estimador más preciso de VO2max para esta población, además mostró un sesgo a lo largo de la capacidad aeróbica, con tendencia a sobreestimar y subestimar VO2 máx. de personas menos y más en preparadas, respectivamente.

Palabras clave: consumo de oxígeno, ejercicio, esfuerzo físico, ergometría, pueba de ejercicio.


The maximal oxygen uptake (V̇O2max), by definition, is related to aerobic work capacity since integrates responses from three different systems: cardiovascular, respiratory, and muscular [1,ii]. Clinically, the V̇O2max had been used as a health indicator, beingness inversely associated with all cause-mortality and as well cardiovascular bloodshed [3].

Present, the best way to measure V̇O2max is by a treadmill or a cycle ergometer lab exam with equipments that analyze the exhaled air composition during a bout of exercise until volitional exhaustion [iv]. However, such test require equipments and highly trained personal that raises the costs of an evaluation [1]. In this scene, became important the evolution of simpler methods.

A low-price pick is the V̇O2max estimated by equation, which practise not require direct gas analysis of exhaled air during the test. Through the last few years, several equations looking for estimated V̇O2max during exercise stress test without the direct gas measure. Those equations could use as variables data from the test (treadmill speed, gradient grade) and/or private characteristics (age, gender, trunk mass index, physical action level). However, even the most used equation shows limitations which compromise the extrapolation of the results to other populations. The principal reason for this came from the wide range of ages of the studied populations, types of ergometers and practise protocol [five].

The American Higher of Sports Medicine‎ (ACSM) [6] and Foster [5] developed probably, two of the nearly used V̇O2max estimation equation used in clinical practice, therefore many other studies had tested the validity and accuracy of these V̇O2max estimation equations on a number of unlike population [seven,8,9], but none of them take tested only immature adults.

The objective of the present study is to clarify the agreement of the V̇O2max values estimated past ACSM and Foster equations with direct measure gas analyze in immature Brazilian males.

Materials and methods

Report design

This was an experimental study which involved a maximal incremental exercise test using a treadmill and simultaneous V̇O2max measuring by an ergospirometric device based on jiff-past-breath gas exchange analyzing arrangement.


Forty-one healthy immature male volunteers aged from 19 to 26 years-old (21.iv ±2.2 years) took part in this study. All participants had a minimum of iii aerobic preparation sessions per calendar week during last six months. The study was in agreement with the skilful clinical practise requirements, ethical principles of Announcement of Helsinki and informed written consent was obtained from each participant earlier information collection. The inquiry protocol was canonical past Human Inquiry Ethics Committee of Campos de Andrade University Heart under number 28901414.iii.0000.5218.

Pretesting procedures

All participants were screened by contained physician for their healthiness to participate in the report and none of them had whatever detected medical issue.

Anthropometric assessment

Anthropometric assessment was performed past Whole-trunk dual 10-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) scans (Lunar iDXA; GE Medical Systems, Wisconsin, U.s.), which acquired betoken at T0 and T1 to quantify total lean mass and fat mass [10]. All scans were performed in the morning with viii-ten h after the last meal [eleven]. An experienced technician performed and analyzed the scanned images.

Maximal oxygen uptake measurement

All volunteers performed a maximal incremental practice test using a treadmill (SuperATL, Inbramed, Brazil). Participants exercised to exhaustion using a Ramp protocol without handrails support. The treadmill gradient was constant at 1% through the test. The speed of the treadmill was adjusted for each private in order that the test should be completed within 8–12 min. The initial speed of the belt ranged from 8 to 10 kmh-i and raised 0.1 kmh-1 every each 6 or 7 seconds. Both the initial speed and the incremental interval were determined based on the physical fitness of each participant. Middle rate was monitored continuously during the test (RS800, Polar, Republic of finland). The V̇O2max was measured by an ergospirometric device based on jiff-past-breath gas commutation analyzing organization (Ultima Series, MedGraphics, United states). The following exercise examination criteria were used for the achievement of V̇O2max: leveling off (plateau) of oxygen uptake with an increase of piece of work rate; respiratory exchange ratio (VCO2/VO2) greater than one.ten; achievement of 90% of the age-adapted estimate of maximal heart charge per unit. They were asked to avert any alcoholic and caffeinated beverage or ergogenic aids 48 hours prior to the test [12,xiii].

VO2max Estimation

To guess VO2 through equations was used the variables obtained in the cardiopulmonary exercise examination. The equation proposed past ACSM 5 as the sum of iii.five + (0.ii * speed) + (0.9 * speed * class), with speed in m.min-1 and grade expressed in decimal format (eg. 10% = 0:10). Foster equation [4] was (0.869 * VO2 ACSM) – 0.07, where VO2 ACSM corresponds to the value VO2 previous obtained through the ACSM equation.

Statistical analysis

All volunteers' concrete variables were expressed by boilerplate and standard deviation (SD) values. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was performed to assess the normality supposition of the sample, Pearson (r) correlation coefficient was used for evaluation of the association among the measured and estimated values. The Pupil T test was used to compare the values of V̇O2max measured (hateful) and V̇O2max estimated using equations. Bland and Altman analysis [14] was performed to verify the agreement betwixt V̇O2max measured and estimated values, whereby the difference betwixt the two methods is plotted on the vertical centrality versus the aureate standard values (V̇O2max measured values) in the horizontal axis. The Statistical analyses were performed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS, version 21.0). The statistical significance level was set at p < 0.05.


Participant'due south anthropometric characteristics and cardiorespiratory information during maximal practise test are presented in Table 1.

Correlations between the measured V̇O2max and each equation (ACSM, Foster's equation) were stiff [15]. ACSM and Foster'due south equations had the same value because both used peak speed and peak grade as variable (Table 2).

Anthropometric characteristic and cardiorespiratory data at maximal exercise test from 41 Brazilian young adults (mean, standard deviation)
Table ane
Anthropometric characteristic and cardiorespiratory data at maximal exercise test from 41 Brazilian young adults (hateful, standard deviation)

Pearson correlation coefficient among Measured V̇O2max and V̇O2max equations
Table 2
Pearson correlation coefficient among Measured V̇O2max and V̇O2max equations

* Correlation is significant at the p<0.01


Comparing the values of measured V̇O2max (mean) and estimated V̇O2max using ACSM equation by the Educatee T test, it was observed a statistical departure (p<0,001). The estimated V̇O2max by the Foster'south equation was unlike from the measured V̇O2max. (p=0.025), as well, only the difference betwixt the measured V̇O2max and the estimated V̇O2max by the ACSM equation (9.40±three.67) was approximately 7,5 times greater than the departure betwixt the measured V̇O2max and estimated V̇O2max by the Foster's equation (one.25±iii.46), as presented in Table three.

Mean difference in measured and estimated V̇O2max, SD and 95% interval confidence
Table 3
Mean deviation in measured and estimated V̇O2max, SD and 95% interval confidence

SD – standard deviation; IC – interval confidence


Analyzing the bias for each estimated equation by Bland Altman graph ( Figures 1 and ii) can be seen that only the ACSM equation had hateful differences that were significantly different from the measured value. The residual R2 value for the ACSM equation was 0.116, while Foster's equation shows residuum R2 value of 0.251.

Bland and Altman plot of the measured V̇O2max values versus the difference between the measured and estimated V̇O2max by Foster Equation (n = 41). Horizontal bold lines indicate mean ± 1.96 SD.
Figure 1
Bland and Altman plot of the measured V̇O2max values versus the difference between the measured and estimated V̇O2max by Foster Equation (northward = 41). Horizontal bold lines indicate hateful ± one.96 SD.

Bland and Altman plot of the measured V̇O2max values versus the difference between the measured and estimated V̇O2max by ACSM Equation (n = 41). Horizontal bold lines indicate mean ± 1.96 SD.
Effigy 2.
Banal and Altman plot of the measured V̇O2max values versus the deviation between the measured and estimated V̇O2max by ACSM Equation (northward = 41). Horizontal bold lines betoken mean ± i.96 SD.


Considering the results obtained in this study, the Foster equation [v] showed better accuracy and bias than the ACSM [6] in estimating V̇O2max. The mean difference of 1.25 ml.kg-1.min-1 can be considered acceptable for an estimate equation, and analyzing the standard deviation of the difference, the value of iii.45 ml.kg-1.min-1 (approximately 1 MET) is merely 6.vi% of mean measured V̇O2max. In the other hand, ACSM equation hateful departure of ix.40 ml.kg-1.min-1 was seven.5 times greater than the Foster equation and represents 17.9% of mean V̇O2max.

These findings were like to other studies, simply in the elderly and athletes, where the ACSM equation showed a tendency to overestimate the values of V̇O2max.

Koutlianos et al. [16], assessing an athletic population, demonstrated that ACSM's running equation overestimates the V̇O2max values in fourteen.vi% when comparing to the direct measured value [16]. Petersen and coworkers [17] also constitute that ACSM's equations overestimated V̇O2max in 21.one% during a treadmill stress testing in older adult. Both authors suggested that the inaccuracy of the ACSM equation is probably due to its proposed use for estimation during steady state exercise and developed using highly fit male person participants.

Analyzing Bland-Altman plot (Figures 1 and 2) was observed, in both equations, a tendency to over- and underestimation of V̇O2max compared to measured values at the depression and loftier ends of the fettle spectrum, respectively. This systematic bias has previously been reported, whereby others V̇O2max estimation equations overestimates the V̇O2max of the least fit people and underestimates values for the most fit [xviii,19,20].

Other studies accept showed physical activity level, gender, age, BMI, treadmill speed, treadmill grade as contained predictors of V̇O2max [17,21]. However, it is observed that virtually of the equations developed through the years, prioritized the use of few variables in order to make them more functional and practical, even if the accurateness and correlation was reduced. Petersen et al observed a 0.20 increase in R2 when adding physical action level, gender, age and BMI to a model that originally included only treadmill grade and speed [17].

A practical implication is that coaches and young physically active adults should use the Foster equation instead of the ACMS equation. This is recommended because, based on the normative values of maximal aerobic power from ACSM'south Guidelines for Exercising Exam and Prescription, the mean measured V̇O2max of the participants was 52.three ml.kg-1.min-1 classifying them between percentiles fourscore and 85, described, therefore, as excellent. In the meantime, the aforementioned volunteers when assessed by an estimating equation equally ACMS equation, the mean difference of ix.40 ml.kg-1.min-1 ensures a superior nomenclature, equally the estimated values are in a higher place percentile 99. Those discrepancies don't occur with Foster'south equation since the smaller difference from the directly measured value did not affect the maximal aerobic power nomenclature.

Every bit a limitation of this written report, although information technology was observed the same phenomenon described past Petersen and coworkers [17], the magnitude of these events cannot exist precisely stratified, mainly considering the characteristics of the sample, which was composed basically by immature physically active adults with a narrow age range which would rank them above the 85th percentile according to the ACSM. For the aforementioned reason, extrapolation of current results is not possible for other populations, such every bit women, sedentary individuals or people with coronary heart affliction or center failure.


The ACSM equation, although the about widely used prediction equation in clinical settings, is not appropriate for during treadmill stress testing young adults in a ramp protocol. Foster equation is more accurate calculator of V̇O2max for this population, likewise showed a bias along the aerobic chapters, trending to overestimates and underestimates V̇O2max of least and virtually fit people, respectively.

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